=pod =head1 NAME qdb-fsck - initialise or update CPAN's update history =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: qdb-fsck [-vqdTfhirsD] [-C [1⟧ [-m max] [-c conf] option v : be verbose option q : be quiet option d : show debug info option T : show trace info option f : action ; otherwise dry-run ; implies "-C 1" option h : show help ; exit option i : show meta data ; exit ; option r : get events from RECENT-files ; default : /path/to/cpan option s : send events to server instead of the database option m : use $max paralel finds ; default 10 option D : delete all events ; increment meta.scheme ; exit option C : read/write the find-list cache /tmp/FIND.cpan -C : read the cache -C 1 : write the cache option c : use config $conf ; default [ qdb.conf, /etc/qdb/conf ] =head1 DESCRIPTION With L, CPAN's update history is maintained in a database containing tuples (events) : ⟦ id, type, path, time ⟧ Program B initialises and/or updates the database. To create/initialise a I database : =over 4 =item * Configure : C =item * Insert all events in all RECENT-files : % qdb-fsck -r -f =item * Search C ; insert missing new/delete events : % qdb-fsck -f First B searches C ; a (B,I<$path>)-event is inserted if the (last) I<$path>-event is missing or a B-event. Then, B searches the database ; a (B,I<$path>)-event is inserted if the (last) I<$path>-event is missing or is a B-event. =back To create/initialise a I database, just run % qdb-fsck -r -f This will insert (only) the last event found in the RECENT-files. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -q be quiet ; only errors =item -v be verbose ; show all actions =item -d show debug info ; internals =item -T trace ; show all debug info =item -h show help ; exit =item -i show meta data ; exit =item -r get fresh events from RECENT-files ; default : search /path/to/cpan =item -s send events to the server instead of the database =item -m I<$max> when inspecting C, use I<$max> paralel finds ; default 10 =item -c use config I ; default : C, C =back =head1 CONFIG FILE See L. =head1 FILES /etc/qdb/conf qdb-configuration /var/qdb/data.lite sqlite database with event-history and meta-data =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 LICENSE You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl 5.10.0 README file. =head1 AUTHOR =for html qdb-fsck © 2015-2017 Henk P. Penning - All rights reserved ; qdb-0.04-p12 - Thu Jan 5 12:58:15 2017 =for man Henk P. Penning, ; qdb-0.04-p12 - Thu Jan 5 12:58:15 2017 =cut